Support our alumni walking to raise funds for two worthy causes

Long-distance running is a Kenyan tradition, and so part of how CES has raised funds over the years has involved running. This fall, we’re doing it again.

As in previous years, some of our Canadian board members and supporters will participate in the Toronto Waterfront Marathon in October, with the proceeds going to provide scholarships for young Kenyans. 

But this year, with “virtual” participation in the marathon possible from anywhere, our CES Alumni will be joining in, from Kakamega, Kenya. Our Alumni have planned a 5-kilometre walk for 1 October, 2022. Ten of our Alumni have agreed to participate in the marathon “officially” and the rest will provide moral support. It’s the first time our Alumni have been able to meet since COVID began, so they’re looking forward to it.

The route of the 5-K walk will be between the CES office at the Sheywe Guest House in Kakamega, and the Divine Providence Orphanage. Our Alumni have been generous and encouraging supporters of the Orphanage over the years, interacting with the children and providing gifts of food. 

The Alumni walk is partly to raise money for the Orphanage. CES Alumni Chair Juma Nyongesa asked the head of the Orphanage what needs they have, and she said, “We need chairs.” So, part of the proceeds raised through the Alumni 5-K will provide chairs for the Orphanage. The other part of the proceeds will provide scholarships for CES students, part of the generous ongoing Alumni support for the scholarship program.

Also participating in the walk in Kakamega will be Canadian board member and secretary Carl Friesen, who will be in Kenya to build relationships between the two sides of the CES family – in Kenya and in Canada 

CES Canada is a registered Charity in the 2022 Toronto Waterfront Marathon. You can support us by visiting the TCS Charity Challenge website:

By following the link below, you can register and fundraise; or, if you wish to, make a donation.

By making a donation you support our work with needy Kenyan youth. By registering for the in-person or virtual walk/run you will enjoy this event and at the same time help fundraise for CES.

Once registered, you will receive a registration confirmation email. To fundraise, you can customize your personalized fundraising page. Add some photos and share your story to appeal to your friends, family and colleagues.


The TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon expands to Kakamega, Kenya


Steven Hao – setting an example in volunteering